Professor Putnam’s most recent work, Our Kids, is a story- and data-driven study of the opportunity gap in the United States. Putnam argues that in recent decades, Americans have increasingly grown doubtful of a belief in the American dream as an offer of equal opportunity for all. Below you will find the latest news items that mention our ongoing and recent research projects.
Duluth News Tribune “Our View: Parade disinterest part of troubling trend” (New Tribune Editorial Board, 05/16/17)
Youthtoday “Out-of-School Time Organizations Play Pivotal Role” (Stell Simonton, 05/01/17)
Quartz “Filming Takes Place in Springfield for Documentary to Air Nationwide on PBS“ (Michael Skalicky, 04/26/17)
Quartz “There’s a better way to celebrate take your kids to work day: Taking someone else’s kid instead” (Richard Reeves, 04/24/17)
The Harvard Crimson “Daily Katrina: Education is a Three Front War” (John Muresianu, 03/24/17)
Media Policy Center, Vimeo “Robert Putnam speaking about ‘Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis’” (03/04/17)
Robert Putnam speaking about “Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis” from Media Policy Center on Vimeo.
New York Times “Where Americans Come Together” (Mary Pilon, 01/27/17)
Wired “How Pollsters Missed the ‘Bowling Alone’ Voters that Handed Trump the Presidency” (Garret Graff, 11/15/16)
Freakonomics ” Trust Me” (Stephen Dubner, produced by Greg Rosalsky, 11/10/16)
The Economist “Voters and the media: How Americans’ media habits can predict how they will vote” (I.K., 11/07/16)
Brookings Institute “Trouble in the land of early childhood education?” (Ron Haskins & Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, 10/26/16)
Harvard Business Review “Start Networking with People Outside Your Industry” (Dorie Clark, 10/20/16)
Grapple Podcast “Breaking Down the American Dream with Robert Putnam” (Naomi Starobin, 10/06/16)
The Boston Globe “Our opportunity nation“ (Alan Khazei & John Bridgeland, 09/09/16)
Boise State Public Radio “Author Robert Putnam on the Divergent Opportunities for America’s Children“ (Bob Kustra, 08/12/16)
Vox “This election isn’t about right vs. left. It’s about “we” vs. “I.“” (Harold Pollack, 08/08/16)
The Brookings Institute”Social Mobility: A promise that could still be kept“ (Richard Reeves & Isabel Sawhill, 07/29/16)
Vox “The Vox Conversation: Hillary Clinton” (Ezra Klein, 07/11/16)
Fox News Talkshow: Talkenomics “Ep. 5 – Robert Putnam – The American Dream in Crisi: USA Becoming Two Class Society, Rich and Poor” (04/04/16)
Conversations with Bill Kristol “Robert D. Putnam on our Civic Life in Decline” (Bill Kristol, 3/13/16)
New York Times “America’s Stacked Deck” (Nicholas Kristof, 2/18/16)
Harvard Graduate School of Education Podcast “Harvard EdCast: Cynics with Good Reason” (Matt Weber, 2/10/16)
U.S. News “The Rich and the Rest” (Christina Pazzanese, 2/09/16)
London Review of Books “The Inequality Problem” (Ed Miliband, 2/04/16)
CommonWealth “The downsides of Prop. 2 1/2 and Community Preservation Act” (Lawrence Dicara & Michael Nicholson, 12/17/15)
Het Financiële Dagblad “Het is niet meer zo dat de beste klimmers het hoogst komen” (Cees van Lotringen, 11/27/15)*-**
The John Adams Institute “Amerikaan heft lot niet in eigen hand” (Gus Vaalk, 10/31/15)**
Royal Society of Arts “RSA Replay: Closing the Opportunity Gap“ (RSA Replay, 10/14/15)
The Federalist “The Trouble with Kids Today” (Charles Murray, 9/17/15)
National Association of Evangelicals “The Growing Class Gap Among American Young People” (Leith Anderson & Robert Putnam, 9/15/15)
Public Radio International “When you can’t play ball for your school because you’re poor” (Kirk Carapezza, 9/15/15)
Politico “Politico 50: Robert Putnam” (9/10/15)
MPRNews “Aspen Ideas Festival: Robert Putnam on ‘Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis” (8/14/15)
LinkedIn “LinkedIn Speaker Series: Robert Putnam” (8/13/15)
Radio Boston “In New Book, Bowling Alone’ Author Examines Impact of Economic Inequality on Kids” (5/27/15)
Detroit Public TV “Robert Putnam on Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis – 2015 L.A. Times Festival of Books” (5/4/15)
The New York Review of Books “Unhappy Days in America” (Nicholas Lemann, 5/21/15)
Washington Post “Politicians must get bolder about treating America’s urban problems” (Michael Gerson, 5/4/15)
The Economist “Minding the nurture gap” (3/21/15)
The New Yorker “Richer and Poorer” (Jill LePore, 3/16/15)
New York Times. “’Our Kids,’ by Robert D. Putnam” (Jason DeParle, 3/4/15)
Use the links below to skip to older mentions:
Winter 2015
Fall 2015
Summer 2015
Spring 2015
TribLive “Some Rotary, Kiwanis clubs in Western Pennsylvania struggle to avoid collapse” (Matthew Santoni, 04/09/17)
Breakpoint “Religion and Inequality” (Eric Metaxes & Roberto Rivera, 04/05/17)
Sentinel & Enterprise “Putnam talks inequality during Fitchburg State seminar” (Amanda Burke, 04/05/17)
TribLive “Expert on challenges of coal country to lecture at Pitt” (Ben Schmitt, 04/03/17)
Bloomberg View “How Utah Keeps the American Dream Alive” (Megan McArdle, 03/28/17)
Huffington Post “Collecting Apples and Polishing Chestnuts: If Only…” (Karen Gross, 03/20/17)
Winona Daily News “Q&A: Climing out of our bunkers – a conversation with Michael Gerson” (03/19/17) “Sensitive genotypes yield disadvantage in poor families, but advantage in wealthier ones” (03/13/17)
Fast Company “How Will the Rise of Crowdfunding Reshape How We Give to Charity?” (Ben Paynter, 03/13/17)
The Christian Post “Christians: We Should Be More Neighborly” (Eric Metaxas, 03/11/17)
Watertown Public Opinion “How social media stands to heal political divides – if only we’d let it” (Chandra Johnson, 03/09/17)
Tufts Daily “NPR correspondent moderates panel on civic life post-election” (Daniel Nelson, 03/08/17)
Washington Post “Americans have lost faith in institutions. That’s not because of Trump or ‘fake news’” (Bill Bishop, 03/03/17)
Quad-City Times “Quad-Cities respond to children in crisis” (Deirdre Cox Baker, 02/27/17)
Quartz Media “Bill Gates has humble expectations for the biggest issue tech can solve in the next 10 years” (Sarah Kessler, 02/27/17)
Our Quad Cities “Is the American Dream an idea of the past?” (Tahera Rahman, 02/07/17)
Huffington Post “It’s Not American Carnage. It Is An Urban Crisis.“ (Robert Hall, 01/27/17)
Huffington Post “It’s Not American Carnage. It Is An Urban Crisis.“ (Robert Hall, 01/27/17)
PopDust “Do You Use Social Media as a Television or a Telephone?” (George Robson, 01/30/17)
Huffington Post “The New Religion: Destructive Escalation” (Robert Hall, 01/27/17)
Prospect”Turning the March into a Movement” (Peter Dreier & Donald Cohen, 01/24/17)
Education Week “College Readiness: Are Different Definitions Driving Inequality?” (Marc Tucker, 01/19/17)
StarTribune “Minneapolis Fed launches institute to tackle racial and economic disparities“ (Adam Belz, 01/18/17)
The Florida Times-Union “America must deal with the scourge of child poverty“ (Adam Belz, 01/18/17)
Huffington Post “Separate and Unequal, That’s America for Our Kids, says Robert Putnam” (Dora Calot Wang, 01/09/17)
WLRN “Robert Putnam” (Joseph Cooper, Bonnie Berman, Richard Ives & Polly Landes, 01/09/17)
Saint James Plaindealer “Grow Our Own summit inspires attendees to work to support all southwest Minnesota kids” (01/09/17)
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Newsbeat “Poor kids in America lose out as income disparities widen” (Cindy Foster, 01/09/17)
The Beacon “Port Clinton City Council votes unanimously to support Voice to Vision” (Jasmine Cupp, 01/04/17)
Pensacola News Journal “Viewpoint: Be more civically engaged in 2017” (Amy Miller and Diane Mack, 12/31/16)
Daily Globe “Closing the gap: Marshall conference explores on-ramps for southwest Minnesota children” (Karl Evers-Hillstrom, 12/15/16)
Marshall Independent “Looking to the future – our children” (Deb Gau, 12/15/16)
Huffington Post “A Manifesto for American Education” (Joseph Gauld, 12/15/16)
Quad-City Times “Gap widens between rich and poor, Harvard expert says” (Brian Wellner, 12/14/16)
Dispatch-Argus “Editorial: Why join battle to close opportunity gap for Q-C kids?” (12/14/16)
Cato Journal “Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (Matt Warner, Winter 2016)
The Commercial Appeal “Asking what people want” (Ted Evanoff, 11/19/16)
The Philadelphia Citizen “OMG. The Election Results Forced Me to Realize I’m a Cultural Elitist” (Larry Platt, 11/18/16)
Inside Philanthropy “Hollowed Out: Big Donors, Inequality, and the Threat to Civil Society” (David Callahan, 11/17/16)
NewsMax “Trump’s Election Leading Some to Change Holiday Plans” (Todd Beamon, 11/15/16)
The Straits Times “The case for building new HDB flats in the city centre” (Wu Wei Neng & Louisa-May Koo, 11/04/16)
Charlotte Observer “Are elected officials committed to fixing Charlotte’s affordable housing shortage?” (Mike Rizer, 11/03/16)
The Future of Children “Trouble in the Land of Early Childhood Education?” (Ron Haskins & Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Fall 2016)
The 74 “What Would Hillary Do on Education? Community-Focused Reading List Offers Clues” (Conor Williams, 10/26/16)
Boonville Daily News “Schools look to strengthen as families weaken” (R.D. Hohenfeldt, 10/22/16)
Youth Today “Afterschool Alliance Report: Add After-school programs to High-Poverty Areas to Close Achievement Gap” (Stell Simonton, 10/07/16)
CityLab from the Atlantic “What If No One Is Actually Bowling Alone?” (Richard Florida, 10/04/16)
The Columbian “Panel looks at American Dream, inequality” (Troy Brynelson, 10/09/16)
Grapple Podcast “Episode 06: Breaking Down the American Dream with Robert Putnam” (Naomi Starobin, 10/05/16)
Huffington Post “Thrive More” (Chris Norwood, 10/03/16)
AEIdeas “Acting together without being acted upon: Civil society conservatism” (Andy Smarick, 10/03/16)
Pensacola News Journal “Escambia County children deserve more reading time” (Randy Hammer, 10/01/16)
Texas A&M Liberal Arts “A full house for Common Ground” (Heather Rodriguez, 09/30/16)
Hillsboro United “Service clubs struggle as members age and volunteerism evolves” (Stephanie Haugen, 09/29/16)
The Torch “‘Our Kids’” (Patrick Griffin, 09/28/16)
The New York Times “Modern Housing With Village Virtues“ (Courtney Martin, 09/20/16)
The Atlantic “What America Lost as Women Entered the Workforce“ (Emma Green, 09/19/16)
The Federalist “How The Collapse of American Community Has Fed Donald Trump“ (John Daniel Davidson, 09/19/16)
The Daily Journal “Social capital in education reform“ (Jonathan Madison, 09/13/16)
Distraction with Dr. Ned Hallowell “Robert Putnam on Why You Should Care About Other People’s Kids“ (Dr. Ned Hallowell, 09/08/16)
Huffington Post “An American Elegy“ (Frank Islam & Ed Crego, 09/06/16)
Philanthropy Roundtable “Beware of Blind Spots“ (Michael Gerson & Peter Wehner, Summer 2016)
live mint “The economic value of trust” (Roshan Kishore, 08/24/16)
The Daily Ardmoreite “Putting ‘Our Kids,’ child poverty on the political agenda“ (Rick Holmes, 08/08/16)
The Irish Times “Inequality is the scourge of every generation“ (Paul Gillespie, 08/06/16)
Connecticut by the numbers “Pay to Play Worsens Widening Economic Gap Evident in America’s Schools, Putnam says in Hartford” (07/21/16)
Reading Eagle “Basketball league shows power of bringing people together“ (Louis Shucker, 07/20/16)
Sandusky Register “Clinton likes book by Port Clinton’s Putnam“ (Tom Jackson, 07/14/16)
The Kansas City Star “Service clubs push against fading influence to find new members“ (Ruth Serven, 07/10/16)
Catholic Philly “American Dream is slipping through the class divides“ (Father William J. Byron, 06/28/16)
The Wichita Eagle “Building a strong ‘we’“ (Mark McCormick, 06/27/16)
Monadnock Ledger-Transcript “Growing divide between affluent and poor students“ (Ashley Saari, 06/27/16)
Charleston Gazette-Mail “Sanders, Trump differ on how to restore chance to live American Dream” (James A. White, 05/29/16)
New York Times “The Fragmented Society“ (David Brooks, 05/20/16)
New York Times “Don’t Blame Diversity for Distrust“ (Maria Abascal & Belia Baldassarri, 05/20/16)
American Enterprise Institute “American nostalgia, but for the wrong era” (Michael Barone, 05/16/16)
Post-Bulletin “The Education Village at WSU: Transforming teachers and our future” (James E. Shul, 05/13/16)
Vox “The wealthier you get, the less social you are. Here’s why it matters” (Josh Rosenblat, 05/05/16)
WDEL 101.7 FM “Harvard Researcher: Opportunity gap grows as child’s success depends on parents’ socioeconomic status” (Amy Cherry, 05/03/16)
The Okhlahoman “Family talk: both families, communities must help bridge the opportunity gap” (Jim Priest, 05/02/16)
Springfield Business Journal “Without Action, Poverty hole could sink city” (Eric Olson, 05/02/16)
Christian Science Monitor “How a ‘parenting arms race’ is causing kids to grow up segregated” (Jessica Mendoza, 04/27/16)
Argus Leader “Now is the time to invest in ‘Our Kids‘” (Randell Beck, 04/27/16)
American Enterprise Institute “New York exceptionalism and Donald Trump” (Michael Barone, 04/18/16)
Springfield News-Leader “It’s up to Springfield to provide opportunities for all” (Mike White, 04/16/16)
Washington Post “This research from Nigeria shows us how a government can build a tax base” (Adrienne LaBas, 04/15/16)
Springfield News-Leader “Return on investment in early childhood education speaks for itself” (Dana Carroll, 04/15/16)
KSMU Ozarks Public Radio “Closing Opportunity Gap, Harvard Professor Praises Springfield’s Efforts “(Han Zhao, 04/09/16)
Springfield News-Leader “Harvard’s Robert Putnam addresses Springfield’s poverty alleviation efforts” (Alissa Zhu, 04/08/16)
Huffington Post “An Encore of Service” (John Bridgeland and Shirley Sagawa, 04/07/16)
Media Policy Center “Our Kids, Hosted by Robert Putnam“ (04/01/16)
Sentinel & Enterprise “His solution to class gap? Community” (Peter Jasinski, 03/26/16)
The News & Observer “Christensen: It’s all about the blues in the economy” (Rob Christensen, 03/25/16)
PRX Radio from Reader’s Corner with Bob Kustra “Robert Putnam, author of ‘Our Kids‘” (Bob Kustra 03/24/16)
yes! Magazine “How Can Public Schools Stop Amplifying Inequality?“ (Bill Bigelow, 03/21/16)
The Observer “Lecture explores effects of modern socioeconomic gap” (Courtney Becker, 03/18/16)
Lexington Minuteman “Rep. Jay Kaufman’s ‘Open House’ to feature Harvard professor Robert Putnam” (03/14/16)
Atlanta NPR, 90.1 WABE “Commentary: Education Can Bridge Atlanta’s ‘Opportunity Gap’” (Maria Saporta, 03/09/16)
Back to the Top
Winter 2015
Saporta Report “Robert Putnam and Atlanta leaders seek to bridge ‘opportunity gap'” (Maria Saporta, 03/07/16)
Harvard Gazette “The costs of inequality: Education’s the one key that rules them all” (02/15/16)
The Norman Transcript “Harvard Professor, author Robert Putnam imparts wisdom at OU” (01/21/16)
OU Daily “Harvard professor speaks at OU about impact of economic inequality on children “ (Derric Cushman, 01/20/16)
The Beacon “Rick Santorum talks about Port Clinton at Republican “ (John Shaffner, 01/20/16)
Fortune “How to Use Your Network to Become a Power Connector“ (Avery Blank, 01/20/16)
The Atlantic “The Importance of High-School Mentors” (Alyza Sebenius, 01/13/16)
the guardian “Inequality is a problem schools alone can’t fix” (Tristram Hunt, 01/12/16)
BBC News “David Cameron pledges ‘assault on poverty’ with social reforms” (01/11/16)
Delaware Online “Children and Poverty in Delaware” (Stacey Beck & Eleanor Craig, 12/21/15)
Back to the Top
Fall 2015
a view from the bridge “The top 20: a year of reading immersively” (Barbara Kiser, 12/16/15)
Journal-News “Should pay-to-play fees be eliminated?” (Jeremy P. Kelley and Michael D. Pitman, 12/07/15)
The Economist “Shelf Life” (12/05/15)
The Telegraph “Closing the opportunity gap” (Dan Weeks, 11/29/15)*
The Witherspoon Institute “The American Dream in Crisis: It’s Time for a New Moynihan Moment” (Ben Peterson, 11/23/15)
The Christian Century “Our Kids, by Robert D. Putnam” (Timothy Renick, 11/23/15)
The Witherspoon Institute “The American Dream in Crisis: It’s Time for a New Moynihan Movement” (Ben Peterson, 11/23/15)
The Columbus Dispatch “Lawmakers, school administrators discuss ending pay-to-play fees” (Jim Siegel, 11/12/15)
National Catholic Reporter “Book a sobering account of growing gap between more and less affluent” (Paul Lakeland, 10/7/15)
Hufvudstadsbladet (Hbl) “‘Immigrants are a great asset‘” (Catherine Koivisto, 10/3/15)
Democrat & Chronicle “Bryant: Five ways to help ‘Our Kids’” (Erica Bryant, 10/2/15)
WAMC Radio “Author Robert D. Putnam to Host Forum on Income Inequality” (Ray Graf, 9/16/15)
Santa Monica Daily Press “Renewing our commitment to equity in education and access to opportunity” (Santa Monica Forward, 9/15/15)
The News-Gazette “Esther Cepeda: A better education for everyone” (Esther Cepeda, 9/13/15)
Springfield News-Leader “We are all accountable for our children’s success” (Dana Carroll, 9/11/15)
Back to the Top
Summer 2015
Linking Indiana “Is the American Dream in Crisis? LinkedIn Speaker Series with Professor Robert D. Putnam” (8/26/15)
Columbia Daily Tribune “Stiepleman address Columbia Rotary South about education challenges for poor kids” (Roger McKinney, 8/25/15)
The Recorder “Bos/My Turn: Dream becomes nightmare” (John Bos, 8/25/15)
Huffington Post “What if We Wanted for All Kids What We Want for Our Kids” (8/3/15)
Springfield News-Leader “Lessons from Saturday night bridge group” (Jennifer Baker, 8/3/15)
The American Spectator “A Timid Take on Economic Inequality” (David Bass, 7/27/15)
Minding the Campus “Robert Putnam Knows the Reason The American Dream is Fading” (7/19/15)
The Des Moines Register “Expert: Iowa can start conversation on inequality of opportunity” (Jason Noble, 7/10/15)
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel “The more opportunity kids have, the brighter our future, author says” (Alan Borsuk, 7/4/15)
The Daily Beast “Inequality: Where Right and Left Agree” (Eleanor Clift, 6/30/15)
Forbes “Improving Mobility for Our Kids: Starting Early is Key” (Aparna Mathur, 6/29/15)
Boston Herald “Harvard prof warns America divided by wealth barriers” (Jordan Graham, 6/24/15)
The Washington Free Beacon “The Kids Are Coming Apart” (Andrew Evans, 6/23/15)
Chalkbeat Colorado “Harvard professor sheds light on the plight of the American poor” (Susan Gonzalez, 6/18/15)
Brookings Institute “Brookings Scholars’ Take on “Our Kids” (Joanna Venator and Richard Reeves, 6/16/15)
The Australian Financial Review “Class structure is surprisingly strong in the United States” (Alan Wolfe, 6/16/15)
National Journal “30-Million ‘Word Gap’ Divides Rich and Poor Kids” (Carolina Gonzalez, 6/15/15)
NPR KQED Radio “ ‘Bowling Alone’ Author Robert Putnam Takes on America’s Opportunity Gap” (Michael Krasny, 6/11/15)
Times Higher Education “Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis, by Robert D. Putnam” (Angelia Wilson, 6/9/15)
Huffington Post “Our Kids and Theirs” (Martin Marty, 6/8/15)
University of Chicago Divinity School “Our Kids and Theirs” (6/8/15)
Fox News Radio “Putnam: Political ‘Shouting Matches’ Only Hurt Our Children” (Alan Colmes, 6/3/15)
National Review “Can a Poor Community Rebuild Social Capital” (Michael Petrilli, 6/3/15)
Back to the Top
Spring 2015
The Gleaner “Why Good Parenting Matters” (Ian Boyne, 5/31/15)
The Irish Times “Breda O’Brien: Fintan O’Toole’s appeal on child poverty is worthy of support” (Breda O’Brien, 5/30/15)
AJC “Goodnight Moon and opportunity: A worrisome gap between rich and poor” (Maureen Downey, 5/28/15)
Washington Post “In need of a summer read? Jeb Bush has some suggestions.” (Ed O’Keefe, 5/28/15)
Duluth News Tribune “Local view: Ranked-choice voting essential to secure democracy for all” (Bob and Sharon Wahman, 5/28/15)
Brookings Institute “Inequality and social mobility: Be afraid” (Isabel Sawhill, 5/27/15)
Washington Post “Your early summer reading list” (Daniel Drezner, 5/26/25)
Duluth News Tribune “Our View: Move slowly on ‘pay to play’” (5/19/15)
The Fordham Institute “The American Dream in Crisis: A conversation with Robert Putnam” (5/18/15)
Cleveland “‘Our Kids’ face a widening opportunity gap that must be closed: Brent Larkin” (Brent Larkin, 5/15/15)
Bloomberg View “Restoring Hope for ‘Our Kids’” (Megan McArdle, 5/14/15)
The American Prospect “The Real Story of the American Family” (Stephanie Coontz, 5/14/15)
Brookings Institute “Question: Is poverty an economic or cultural problem? Answer: Yes.” (Richard Reeves, 5/14/15)
New Hampshire Public Radio “Putnam: Closing The ‘Opportunity Gap’ For Our Kids Would Benefit Everyone” (The Exchange, 5/14/15)
The New Yorker “The President and Poverty” (Paul Elie, 5/13/15)
National Catholic Reporter “Georgetown poverty summit, Obama describes a ‘great sorting’ by class” (Vinnie Rotondaro, 5/13/15)
National Public Radio “Obama: We Must ‘Guard Against Cynicism’ When It Comes To Poverty” (Scott Horsley, 5/12/15)
Politico “Obama calls out financiers, conservatives and churches on poverty” (Sarah Wheaton, 5/12/15)
New York Times “Obama Urges Liberals and Conservatives to Unite on Poverty” (Michael Shear, 5/12/15)
Georgetown University “Obama Joins Summit on Overcoming Poverty in U.S. at Georgetown” (5/12/15)
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
CatholicPhilly “‘Inequality of opportunity’ termed a root cause of societal decline” (Mark Pattison, 5/12/15)
Time “Pope Francis’ Poverty Agenda Draws President Obama” (Elizabeth Dias, 5/11/15)
Washington Post “Have faith groups been too absent in the fight on poverty? A Q&A with Robert Putnam” (Michelle Boorstein, 5/11/15)
The Metro West Daily News “Gerson: Urban poverty’s intricate knot” (5/8/15)
National Catholic Reporter “Obama to attend Georgetown University poverty summit next week” (Michael Sean Winters, 5/7/15)
Cortez Journal “Trying to untie the intricate knot of urban poverty” (5/7/15)
Book Lust with Nancy Pearl “Book Lust with Nancy Pearl featuring Robert Putnam” (5/7/15)
Huffington Post “American Innovation Can Narrow the Opportunity Gap for Our Kids” (Wendy Lazarus, 5/6/15)
Denison Forum on Truth and Culture “A Review of Robert Putnam’s Our Kids” (Nick Pitts, 5/6/15)
WDIO “Harvard Author Talks Opportunity Gap in Duluth” (5/6/15)
UT San Diego “Michael Gerson: The intricate knot of urban poverty” (5/4/15)
Crosscut “Kids and the American dream denied. A conversation with author Robert Putnam” (David Kroman, 5/4/15)
USC Price Center for Social Innovation “Putnam describes ‘opportunity gap’ between rich, poor at Price Center talk” (Matthew Kredell, 5/1/15)
Richmond Times-Dispatch “Sociologist discusses consequences of segregated housing” (4/30/15)
Shared Justice “The Dream in Crisis: Poverty’s Toll on Our Kids” (Michael Gerson, 4/29/15)
Huffington Post “Robert Putnam – Any Why Community Schools Matter” (Martin Blank, 4/28/15)
Capital Commentary “Championing Our Kids” (Michael Gerson, 4/27/15)
Times of Malta “Investing in Social Capital” (Michael Briguglio, 4/27/15)
The Wall Street Journal “For 2016, Middle-Class Woes Overshadow America’s Poor” (Robert Litan, 4/22/15)
Take Two “‘Our Kids’ book looks at wealth gap in Ohio town and the USA” (A Martinez and Sarah Sweeney, 4/21/15)
Sentinel Source “CASA looks out for ‘our kids’ who are sometimes forgotten” (Linda Armirotto, 4/21/15)
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation “American Dream in crisis, but solutions are in our grasp” (4/20/15)
Tavis Smiley “Harvard Professor/Author Robert Putnam” (4/20/15)
The Guardian “Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis by Robert D Putnam review – concerned scholarly” (Richard Reeves, 4/20/15)
Seacoast Online “Become special in a child’s life” (Linda Armirotto, 4/20/15)
LA Times “Festival of Books: Matt Taibbi, Steve Lopez on socio-economic clout” (Nathan Deuel, 4/19/15)
BBC MUNDO “Why the American Dream is endangered” (4/19/15)
Boston Globe “What the man behind the ‘American Dream’ really meant” (Globe Staff, 4/16/15)
American Thinker “Our Kids: Why They Are in Trouble” (John Horvat II, 4/26/15)
Irish Examner “The American dream has rapidly become a nightmare for the poor” (Victoria White, 4/16/15)
Huffington Post “Opportunity Inequality: The Plight of America’s Poor Kids” (Frank Islam and Ed Crego, 4/15/15)
Huffington Post “Our Kids: Could We Just Listen to Robert Putnam’s Plea to America?” (Karen Gross, 4/14/15)
Saporta Report “Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis” (Kathleen Wagner, 4/13/15)
Kansas City Post “Class divides are killing the American Dream, writes Robert Putnam in ‘Our Kids’” (4/11/15)
Seattle Times “Class divides are killing the American dream, writes Robert Putnam in ‘Our Kids’” (Alan Wolfe, 4/10/15)
ABC News “US developing into caste society: Robert Putnam” (4/10/15)
Caffeinated Thoughts “Rick Santorum Talks to Iowa State Legislators” (Shane Vander Hart, 4/9/15)
Christian Post “Harvard Professor Robert Puntam on Rich/Poor Opportunity Gap: Kids Need Two Parents, Churches Can Do More Than Government (Napp Nazworth, 4/9/15)
Christian Post. “Poor Kids Devastated by Isolation From Family, Church, Community, Harvard Professor Robert Putnam Says” (Napp Nazworth, 4/8/15)
Huffington Post “Putnam’s Path Forward for ‘Our Kids’ Should Start With the Upside-Down Tax Code” (Andrea Levere, 4/7/15)
Global Times. “Social divide threatens all American value” (Charles Gray, 4/6/15)
Brattleboro Reformer. “We pay the price: sooner, or later” (4/4/15)
Brookings “Robert Putnam on ‘Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis’” (Brookings Cafeteria Podcast, 4/3/15)
Boston Public Radio WGBH “Robert Putnam on US Inequality: ‘Kids Are Living in Two Universes” (Will Roseliep, 4/3/15)
Yahoo Finance “Why fewer American kids will get a chance at upward mobility” (Joanna Campione, 4/1/15)
Desert News “Poor American kids grow up without ‘airbags,’ Harvard professor says” (Eric Shulzke, 3/31/15)
Aspen Institute”WATCH LIVE: Robert Putnam Discusses his Latest Book ‘Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis” (Simone Peer, 3/30/15)
Brookings “Poverty, isolation, and opportunity” (Richard Reeves and Emily Cuddy, 3/31/15)
Huffington Post “Want to Solve Inequality and Child Poverty End the War on Drugs” (Inge Fryklund, 3/31/15)
Washington Post “Robert Putnam fights America’s ‘opportunity gap’ with religious fervor” (Cathy Lynn Grossman, 3/30/15)
Boston Herald “Barone: Some signs say breakdown in family can be fought” (Michael Barone, 3/30/15)
Huffington Post “The Cost of Doing Nothing” (Tracy Hoover, 3/30/15)
City Journal “Robert Putnam’s Mission” (Kay Hymowitz, 3/27/15)
National Review “Can America’s Family Break-Breakdown Problem Be Reversed?” (Michael Barone, 3/27/15)
Washington Post “What happens when gray mixes with brown in America” (Catherine Rampell, 3/26/15)
Washington Post “Why so many empty church pews? Here’s what money, sex, divorce and TV are doing to American Religion” (Bradford Wilcox, 3/26/15)
Brookings “Parents as college boosters: A social mobility challenge” (Richard Reeves, 3/26/15)
Sandusky Register “Reviews Pouring in for Robert Putnam book” (Tom Jackson, 3/25/15)
Chicago Tonight “Robert Putnam on the American Dream in Crisis” (Paul Caine, 3/24/15)
Illinois Public Media News “Robert Putnam: Growing Inequality Threatens The American Dream, But We Can Still Fix It” (3/23/15)
New Books In Political Science “Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis” (3/23/15)
CBS Money Watch “America’s next economic crisis is already here” (Aimee Picchi, 3/23/15)
Keene Sentinel “New book by Jaffrey author, Harvard professor, packs a punch” (Stephen Gilbert, 3/22/15)
The Blade “Port Clinton’s kids, then and now, speak to all of us” (Marina Bolotnikova, 3/22/15)
The Globe and Mail “Marriage is the new class divide” (Margaret Wente, 3/21/15)
Concord Monitor “Harvard’s Putnam sees Primary as way to shine spotlight on ‘opportunity gap’” (Iain Wilson, 3/21/15)
Mind Shift “Feeling Alone as the Opportunity Gap Widens for Kids” (Holly Korbey, 3/20/15)
The Economist “The new class divide” (The Data Team, 3/20/15)
Cleveland “In ‘Our Kids,’ Ohio native Robert D. Putnam finds an ‘opportunity gap’ that few poor children can leap” (Robert L. Smith, 3/19/15)
PBS News Hour “What’s splitting a new generation of have and have-nots” (3/19/15)
PBS News Hour “Why you should care about other people’s kids” (Robert Putnam, 3/19/15)
Market Watch “Why the American Dream is unraveling, in 4 charts” (Jeremy Olshan, 3/19/15)
Market Watch “Why the American Dream is unraveling, in 4 charts” (Jeremy Olshan, 3/19/15)
WAMC Northeast Public Radio “‘Our Kids: The American Dream In Crisis’ By Robert Putnam” (Joe Donahue, 3/18/15)
To the Point “Is the American Dream out of Reach for Our Poor Kids?” (3/18/15)
LA Times “Poor kids’ brains don’t work as well as rich kids’ brains do” (Doyle McManus, 3/18/15)
The New Yorker “Iran, Inequality, and the Battle of American Norms” (Adam Gopink, 3/17/15)
The Atlantic “Growing Up Alone?” (Hope Reese, 3/18/15)
LA Times “How ‘social air bags’ for rich kids exacerbate unequal opportunity” (Doyle McManus, 3/17/15)
Market Watch “Rich kids use the Internet to get ahead, and poor kids use it ‘mindlessly’” (Jeremy Olshan, 3/17/15)
Bloomberg View “How Hollywood Can Save Our Families” (Megan McArdle, 3/17/15)
American Thinker “‘Our Kids’ are ‘Coming Apart’ Because Liberals” (Christoper Chantrill, 3/17/15)
The Week “Conservative scolds have a vision. But they don’t have a plan.” (Damon Linker, 3/17/15)
Washington Post “The effects of inequality on America’s kids” (Michael Gerson, 3/16/15)
New York Post “Tale of two Americas: It’s not all about race” (Rich Lowry, 3/16/15)
Vox “How low social mobility hurts children – and what we need to do about it” (Danielle Kurtzlebern, 3/16/15)
Slate “Yes, Culture Helped Kill the Two-Parent Family. And Liberals Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Admit It. “ (Jordan Weismann, 3/16/15)
National Review “Rosemary Putnam, Social Capitalist” (Kathryn Jean Lopez, 3/16/15)
Chicago Sun Times “About that neighbor on the subway” (Kathryn Jean Lopez, 3/15/15)
Duluth News Tribune “Local View: Duluth needs to support all ‘our kids’” (Doug Bowen-Bailey, 3/15/15)
St.Louis Post-Dispatch “In ‘Our Kids,’ author finds class, not race, is the controlling element” (Tim Bross, 3/15/15)
New York Times “For Poorer and Richer” (Ross Douthat, 3/14/15)
In These Times “On David Brooks and the ‘Moral Failures’ of the Poor” (Emmet Rensin, 3/14/15)
Forbes “How Bad Is Child Poverty?” (Adam Ozimek, 3/14/15)
*Houston Chronicle. “Social scientist opens discussion about race and class in ‘Our Kids’”(Alan Wolfe, 3/13/15)
MSNBC The Cycle “‘Income Inequality’ A Problem In Schools Because Some Kids Receive Better Parenting” (Ian Schwartz, 3/12/15)
HuffPost Live “Our Kids Author Robert D. Putnam LIVE” (Nancy Redd, 3/12/15)
The Christian Science Monitor “‘Our Kids’ suggests an American dream out of reach for many (David Hugh Smith, 3/12/15)
Chronicle of Higher Education “Can Robert Putnam Save the American Dream?” (Marc Parry, 3/12/15)
RollingStone “For David Brooks, the Rich Are People, the Poor Are Numbers” (Matt Taibbi, 3/11/15)
Wall Street Journal “Bootstraps Aren’t Enough” (Bradford Wilcox, 3/11/15)
New Republic “Income, Not Culture, is What Divides America Now” (Reuben Thomas Finighan, 3/11/15)
Washington Monthly “Immobile in America” (Richard D. Kahlenberg, 3/11/15)
CBS News Money Watch “Study: For poor U.S. kids, the bootstraps are tearing loose” (Aimee Picchi, 3/11/15)
Harvard Kennedy School Policy Cast “The End of The American Dream?” (Harvard Kennedy School, 3/11/15)
WBUR: On Point with Tom Ashbrook “Why ‘Our Kids’ Aren’t Still Winning Today” (Tom Ashbrook, 3/11/15)
The Guardian “Our Kids by Robert Putnam review – stark portrait of grails facing millenials” (Nona Willis Aronowitz, 3/11/15)
Huffington Post “Our Kids, Our Future” (Jane Williams and Susan Sawyers, 3/11/14)
Harvard Kennedy School Magazine “Minding the Gap” (3/10/15)
The American Conservative “The Broken Social Contract” (Rod Dreher, 3/10/15)
The Conversation “The growing opportunity gap facing American children” (Reuben Thomas Finighan, 3/10/15)
National Catholic Reporter “Good News & Bad” (Michael Sean Winters, 3/10/15)
NPR “The Numbers Add Up To This: Less And Less Opportunity For Poor Kids” (Marilyn Geewax, 3/10/15)
Education Next “Behind the Headline: The Terrible Loneliness of Growing Up Poor in Robert Putnam’s America” (Education Next, 3/10/15)
Hugh Hewitt “Robert Putnam’s ‘Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis” (Hugh Hewitt, 3/9/15)
Education Week “Robert Putnam: When Did Poor Kids Stop Being ‘Our Kids’?” (Sarah D. Sparks, 3/9/15)
LinkedIn “The American Dream Is In Crisis, And Here’s How I know It” (Robert D. Putnam, 3/8/15)
NPR “‘Bowling Alone’ Author Tackles The American Dream” (Scott Simon, 3/7/15)
Brookings Institute “I’ll get by with a little help: Relationships and opportunity in America” (Richard V. Reeves and Emily Cuddy, 3/6/15)
Washington Post “Robert Putnam discusses economic inequality” (3/6/15)
Washington Post “Book review: ‘Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis’ by Robert D. Putnam” (Alan Wolfe, 3/6/15)
*Financial Times “Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis’, by Robert Putnam” (Francis Fukuyama, 3/6/15)
Swarthmore News & Events “Noted Author Robert Putnam ’63 Sees the American Dream in Crisis” (3/6/15)
Washington Post. “The terrible loneliness of growing up poor in Robert Putnam’s America” (Emily Badger, 3/6/15)
Kirkus Reviews. “Our Kids” (Kirkus Review, 3/3/15)
Sandusky Register. “Famed Port Clinton author to release new book” (Tom Jackson, 3/2/15)
Marginal Revolution. “Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis” (Tyler Cowen, 2/27/15)
To read more articles about Dr. Putnam’s work, visit the Saguaro Seminar website.
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